: Hungarian cultural sites

On this page you can finde addresses on hungarian cultural sites.

Hungarian cultural sites

Centuries of Painting and Sculpture in Hungary

Hungarian Landscape Painting in the 19th-20th Century

Historical Painting in the 19th Century

Szentendre Virtual Art Exhibition

The Web Gallery of Art

Hungarian moving picture gallery

Hungarian Books Accessible Worldwide

Greatest Hungarian Poets Index

Greatest Hungarian Composers

The Contribution of Hungarians to Universal Culture

Homepage of Magyar Traditional Culture

American Hungarian Folklore Museum

Hungarian Heritage Museum, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Music and Theater
Hungarian State Opera House (http://www.opera.hu)
Contains information about the opera house, concerts, and tickets. In English and Hungarian.

Hungarian Music Homepage (http://www.music.hu)
Popular music site. In Hungarian.

Opera Companies of the World (http://operabase.com)
Web site and contact information for opera houses and festivals worldwide.

Zoltan Kodaly Pedagogical Institute of Music (http://www.kodaly-inst.hu)
Description of the school's courses and activities, with links to other Kodaly resources.

Hungarian Theater Portal (http://www.szinhaz.hu/nf.html)
Magyar Színházi Portál. Provides not only links to theaters but also directories of individuals associated with the theater in Hungary (directors, critics, etc.) In Hungarian.
Museums and Galleries
Directory of Museums
Three pages of links at the HuDir (Hungary.Network) site. In Hungarian.

Fine Arts in Hungary (http://www.hung-art.hu/index-e.html)
View over 2,700 images, mostly of painting and sculpture, on this site, which is dedicated to fine arts in Hungary from the beginnings in the Romanesque period up to the mid 20th century. In English and Hungarian

Hungarian Heritage Museum (http://www.jcu.edu/language/hunghemu/index.htm)
Located in Cleveland, OH, the Museum aims to preserve Hungarian culture and history in Northeast Ohio.

Hungarian Museum of Photography (http://www.fotomuzeum.hu)
In Hungarian and English.

Hungarian National Museum (http://www.hnm.hu/en/fooldal/mainPage.php)
Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Site in English and Hungarian.

Museums in Hungary on the Web, by County (http://www.ace.hu/ceicom/hungary/hunliste.html)
This site, sponsored by the Archaeocomp Association, also includes a list of virtual museums and databases not related to specific counties. Page is in English, and the language of the subsequent links is also indicated
Filmkultúra (http://www.filmkultura.iif.hu)
Online journal devoted to film, particularly Hungarian film. Contains interviews, reviews, essays, and information about Hungarian cinema. In English and Hungarian.

MAFILM (http://www.mafilm.hu)
Web site of the major Hungarian film studio. Archive of stills.
Folk Culture
American Hungarian Folklore Centrum (http://hungaria.org/ahfc/)
The American Hungarian Folklore Centrum (AHFC) aims to disseminate Hungarian folk culture within the scholarly and public life of North America. The Centrum organizes community folklore events, exhibitions, performances and programs to preserve and maintain folk traditions. Page contains numerous links to other folklore sites.

European Folklore Institute (http://www.folkline.hu/index%5Fe.html)
This Hungary-based institute aims to safeguard, revitalize, and diffuse traditional culture and folklore in Europe. In English and Hungarian.

Sites on hungarian
Magyar Kulturális Gyűjtemény

Magyar Kulturális Honlap

Képzőművészet Magyarországon

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Irodalomtudományi Intézete

C3 - Kulturális és Kommunikációs Központ

A MEK Olvasóterme

A MEK Szépirodalomi listája

Klasszikus magyar költők listája

Ady Endre összes költeményei

Babits Mihály összegyűjtött versei

Arany János összes költeményei

Petőfi Sándor összes költeménye

József Attila összes költeménye


A Magyar Filmkultúra ottlapja

KFKI - kulturális oldala

Web Művészeti Galéria

Magyar Szemle

Szabad formák - elektronikus folyóirat

A Feszty- kép története és jelentése

Magyar Fotográfiai Múzeum

Képek Magyarországról

Magyar utónévkönyv

Magyar Nyelvjárások

Helynévtörténeti adatok a korai ómagyar korból

Ómagyar kori helynévfeldolgozások

A Magyar Névarchívum Honlapja

Család-Történet Magyarországon

Családfa-Genealógiai Kutatóiroda Magyarországon


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