[2.numbers & facts]
[3.Methods of holocaust]
[4.Places and times of the massacres]
[5.The present & future]
[6.Autonomy Aspiration of Hungarians abroad]
5. The present and future
Even today, a quite ethnic cleansing is going on in Vojvodina. There are several serious reports ( » Anti-Minority Incidents
Continue in Vojvodina (HHRF)) which emphasise, that the Hungarians in the province of Vojvodina are the next victims of Serb nationalism, after Croats, Bosnians & Albanians.
Not just on the behalf of the Hungarians in Vojvodina, I ask myself this questions:
Unaswered questions...
*What & who gives the right to serbs in Vajdaság to harass, commit atrocities, and kill other minorities?
*Why Serbian authorities are not doing anything to prevent and stop this?
*Why does people like the Serbs commit such crimes as massacres and ethnic cleansing?
*Was it right to punish the Hungarians so severe, as cutting of 2/3 of its territory, after W.W. I.?
*Why doesn't western governments open their eyes, and try to do something about this?, - when we know that a new innocent blood is spilled already today.
After NATO's Air Strikes and after Hungary become a member of EU
Several years has gone since the NATO Air Forces striked against Serbia and Montenegro. The western world and the NATO alliance for the first time in history protected an ethnic minority, the Kosovo Albanians, which were almost doomed, to be erased from the face of earth, by the serb war machine, which hasn't been doing anything else in the past 10 years, then "exterminating", murdering, executing, butchering, raping women and young girls, burning down villages, destroying bridges, shelling cities, demolishing everything that isn't Serb, in all areas of former Yugoslavia.
Kosovo went under UN (se NATO) Interim administration, and the Serbs withdrew. Hungary become a member of the European Union in the year 2004 and the very same year, the harassment and atrocities against the ethnic Hungarians started. The Serbian violence in Vajdaság escalated till that level that the European Parliament took up the question demanding from the Serbian authorities to make the necessary moves to stop the violence against Hungarians. But even today still nothing changed.
But many, who are concerned om human rights today see, that it would have been better even for Vajdaság, to became rather a "protectorate" of NATO, UN or some OSCE monitors, than still a "hostage" of the Serbian ignorance and unwillingness of stopping the violation of basic human rights.
And the situation doesn't seem to be better. The high rates of suicide among Hungarian youngsters, tells us clearly that something is very wrong. Reports are telling us that the savings and financial sources even among middle class Hungarians are at their last. The unemployment rate is really not even possible to count, but is estimated that more than 2/3 of working capable Hungarians, are out of any work and possibility to earn for the very essentials for everyday survival. They are discriminated on all levels of the Serbian society. Anybody, who just has the opportunity is, unfortunately, leaving the country, trying to find a place were it could live and survive, because there's nothing left but the bare battle of survival.
The Future
What to tell then about the future?, is there a space under this circumstances even to discus about it, and if it is, is it possible to say something new and unheard?, Well, after these last 15 years it appears clear that the serbian regime is doing almost nothing to change the situation, there is nothing what can be even called for "future", or can be associated with it, anyway or anyhow.
There are many different options and solutions, but really it has to be said, that there are no "magic formulas" or fast solutions.
After the Air strikes, the chance was given, but the world turned it's back once and again, to Vajdaság. Even with a "sudden" disappearance of Milosevic's regime, unfortunately it seems to take several decades to restart, or build up, all that, what has been constantly "butchered" and in many cases never existed.
Unfortunatelly the institutions of democracy, laws that grant human rights to all citizens, including minorities, juridical system, the police, and the state prosecutors that doesn't discriminate the minorities do still not exist in Serbia.
The democratic structures of a civil society, the "culture of democracy" with it's all components and on all levels, (in governmental, juridical, banking, civil institutions, and not least the sphere of human and minority right), that type of culture, if ever existed, after all damage that it has been done, nowadays seems to us just as a bare dream to restart or establish at least something of it.
On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Trianon Peace Dictate of 4 June
1920 following World War I, we would like to draw attention to the still unresolved
problems of Vajdaság Hungarians who came under serbian rule as a result of this
dictate of Alied powers.
Even to this date the promised rights have not been provided to the native hungarians. Hungarians living in
the historically Hungarian-inhabited areas in Vajdaság are increasingly forced to
face intolerance, violence and discrimination and, furthermore, they are not able to
exercise their right to self-determination - not even in the form of autonomy. The
fact that the local government in the Province of Vajdaság, do have Hungarian
members does not help the situation, rather, it diverts attention away from the
actual realities.
For this reason, the situation of Hungarians living in Vajdaság requires
increased attention and assistance in solving the problems in the interest of
preventing conflicts and maintaining stability.
Some 30 years ago, on 1 August 1975, with the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, a
process was started which led to a breakthrough in the area of human rights and
fundamental freedoms in Europe and forged the signatory countries together in a
community of values. Some 15 years ago (Copenhagen, 1990), the OSCE was the
first to react to the minority problem and to draft standards in the field of minority
The development trends of the past 15 years have shown that, being an
indispensable and essential part (ius cogens) of international law, the peoples' right
to self-determination has a growing significance. We hereby appeal to the OSCE's
organization and member states to react to the challenge as a "community of
responsibility" and take the first steps for the protection of Hungarian people living
in the Carpathian basin (including Vajdaság) who are in need of this in the interest of preserving their
historical, national and cultural identity. The mechanisms that are to support the
assertion of the notion of "the right of peoples to self-determination", which is
defined in Article 1. of International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and in
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, would also be
helpful throughout the world in preventing conflicts.
Therefore, for the Hungarian people living beyond the border, who have been
separated from the mother country for more than 80 years by a state border whose dividing
role cannot be eliminated even within the framework of the European Union, we
the signatories of this letter demand:
Freedom and the right to self-determination and human dignity on the basis of
democracy, rule of law and equality of peoples and nations.
As Hungarians, we just want to call up and remind the western media knowledge, about our fellow countryman and women,
about their situation and about the necessity on humanitarian help and support on levels. We see, that the only solution is to help and support those local communities, cites and civil organisations in Vajdaság, which in spite of all above mentioned facts, still stand up and fight and oppose the suppression and terror of the existing regime.
Our intention was to speak up and reveal the truth, and the facts on Atrocities committed against the Vajdaság Hungarians in 1944/45, to speak about issues, that has been "unspoken", for many years. If we managed to "clear up" the doubts, across this presentation, that action on strengthening the Minority Rights is not just necessity but indeed needed in Vajdaság (Vojvodina), then at least some of our goals toward reaching the aims has been achieved.
This presentation is made by Kormos László webeditor on Hungarian Swedish Online Resources.
[2.numbers & facts]
[3.Methods of holocaust]
[4.Places and times of the massacres]
[5.The present & future]
[6.Autonomy Aspiration of Hungarians abroad]
More on Vojvodina...
Here can you finde some more Information,
and facts about Vojvodina
and the Holocaust committed against Hungarians in 1944