[2.Numbers & facts]
[3. Methods of holocaust]
[5.The present & future]
[6.Autonomy Aspiration of Hungarians abroad]
4. The Massacre of Hungarians in 1944
Places and times of some massacres in Vajdaság together with the number of the Hungarian
BEZDÁN 3 November 1944. The Hungarian male inhabitants of the village in the age of
between l6 and 5O years were driven to a sports ground. 118 men were shot down by machine
pistol to the Danube. 2830 Serbian communist partisans who made the murder belonged to the
udarna brigade No. 12 in the division No. 51. It is strange but the Soviet officers were also
horrified at the massacre because they were who stopped swearing further executions.
ZOMBOR (Sombor) 6 December 1944. The Serbian partisans first had one part of their
captives dug up to the neck into the earth by other captives then they had them trampled to
death by tank. The first impalement happened here, too. The executions in the villages of
Bácska Vajdaság were directed by a Serbian communist partisan woman called Julka who
was wounded mortally in the fights later. At the moment there is a thirty meter high granite
monument on the mount of Batina and on the top of this monument there is the statue of this
woman executioner.
UJVIDÉK (Novi Sad) 23 October 1944. In the early morning hours the Serbian partisans
under the leadership of Todor Gavrilovics Rilc, political commissioner marched in the ancient
Hungarian town, in Novi Sad (Újvidék). From the first day they already carried off the
Hungarian inhabitants to the former winterport of the Danube. This was the center of the
massacre. Until the execution men were held in prison for weeks. Among the captured and
executed people there were a lot of 14-15 year old boys
as "dangerous fascists". Executions started on 25th October. A drunken partisan officer read
off 300 names. In a short time only the rattle of the machine pistols sounded. Farewell cries of
the executed Hungarians were suppressed by the racing of the lorries' engine. The Hungarian
captives got some water and bread only on the fifth day. During the first week about 1500
Hungarians were shot down into the Danube: One part of the corpses was either burnt or put
into common graves in several rows. Around 1970 a new highway was built but because of
the common graves in the Feketics forest the track of the highway was led in other way. All
the Hungarian students captured in Novi Sad and its surroundings were shot down.
The torture, the killings and massacres
These are some of the execution forms, that the Serbs "chetnik" ultra nationalists used:
· 10-20 people were executed by firearms.
· People were lined up in front of a grave and shout down into the grave.
· People stood in a circle around a haystack and were burned alive.
· Their nails were taken of with hot pliers.
· There were put in coal and were roasted alive.
· The victims were skinned alive.
· Arson.
SZENTTAMÁS (Srbobran Turja) In October of 1944 3,000 inhabitants of Hungarian
nationality were executed by the Serbian communist partisans from the village of 18,000
inhabitants. In the old Serbian cemetery the tomb was dug by the persons to be executed and
the Hungarians were executed in groups of 150-200. An 8-year-old girl was the witness of the
massacres by chance and unnoticed. The Serbian people next door overheard her story and
denounced the little girl. Next day the Serbian partisans took away the innocent girl and
executed her.
SZIVÁC (Sivac) 1st November I944. Seventy-five Hungarian men completely undressed
were accompanied to the cemetery where they were executed by command of Brano
Bikicskics Serbian main communist from Szivác.
ADORJÁN (Nadrljan) On 3d December 1944. 56 Hungarian citizens were executed on the
bank of Tisza.
KANIZSA (St. Kanjiza) On 7th October 1944 Serbian partisan executioners arrived following
the Soviet troops. In this village the names of the offenders entirely remained. First of all
every Hungarian women were ravished. 300 Hungarians were collected in the village and they
were closed in the cellar of the town hall, majority of them was beaten to death there. The
corpses were carried on cart by nights to the island of Tisza where they were lying covered by
lime for days. Let the names of the Serbian communist partisan killers be listed here: Niklo
Radovics, Szvetozár Knezevics, Alexander Oluski, Dusan Ugranov.
OBECSE (Stari Becej) Killing of the Hungarians began on 9th October I944. First Ferenc
Petrányi 65 year old catholic abbot was arrested by some young communist Serbian partisan
girls. A11 parts of his face and body were mashed. A partisan woman from Zombor, called
Zorka was the most brutal. He was bound on a plank by her and then they jumped to his belly
chest and sexual organ from the table. Zorka and her partisan comrades in laced boots
practically disemboweled his internal organs. When he died on l4th October they threw him
out of the window to the stone block yard so that his death should seem to be a suicide.
SZENTFÜLOP (B.Gracac) was a pure Hungarian village from the age of the Arpads. On 25th
November 1944 its whole male population between the age of I8-60 years was exterminated.
In total 212 men were killed.
TEMERIN (Temerin) October of 1944. Several hundreds people fell victims of the Serbian
carnage. A Soviet officer prevented the extirpation of the whole Hungarian population of the
village. Hungarian human loss of the village was 480 people.
In MOHOL from October of 1944 the extirpation of the Hungarians went on systematically.
More than 800 Hungarians were collected and from this number 760 were executed. Not only
men were killed but also 16-20 year old girls were executed. It is strange that in this village
the communist Serbian partisans close cropped the people going to death. Then they were
taken to the side of Tisza and they were shot by machine gun to the river there.
In CSUROG (Curog) from 23 October the Hungarian inhabitants had been exterminated
continuously. In 1941 the Serbian partisans in Csurog killed a whole gendarme patrol some of
them were impaled. Because of this as revenge 765 5erbian inhabitants were executed in
1944. 2,000 people the whole Hungarian population of the village was exterminated.
ZABLYA (Zabalj) in 1942 the Serbian killed 11 Hungarian soldiers in the village. Because of
this 581 Serbians were executed. Because of the extreme revenge, just as it happened in
Csurog the competent Hungarian commanders were tried by court-marital. The Serbian
partisans of Tito started to revenge at once after their marching in, in October of 1944. The
wealthier Hungarians were drowned into the manure of the back house. Even 13 year old
Hungarian boys were killed, too. In total 2,000 Hungarian citizens were killed.
In the city of ZOMBOR in October of 1944 the murdering of the Hungarians started at once
on the basis of the death-list previously made. First two Hungarian Carmelite fraters were
captured and executed. They were frater Gellér Sztancsics and Illés Hollós. The Hungarians
were taken to the Palace of Kronich. Next to the race-course the common graves were dug in
which 2,500 Hungarisns were buried. Several other common graves can be found in the
outside districts of the city. The inhabitants of the Hungarian city were fully exterminated. In
total 5,650 Hungarians were executed.
The "Freezing Weeks" were the revenge of Tito´s partizans, when they brutally massacred 40.000 hungarian civilians in 1944/45
According to data collected by the Roman catholic pastors, Márton Szűcs and József Kovács
in. the strictest confidence; during the months of October, November and December of 1944.
34 491 Hungarians were killed in South Hungary in the territory of Bácska and Vajdasag. As
the statistics were made several years ago according to the data which have been discovered
since that time the number of the victims exceeds 40,000 per- sons. Because of the continuity
of the discovering works this number is increasing day by day. It is also completed by the
number of the Hungarian martyrs who lost their life because of the atrocity of Serbians after
the decay of the Yugoslav communist regime.
[2.Numbers & facts]
[3.Methods of holocaust]
[5.The present & future]
[6.Autonomy Aspiration of Hungarians abroad]
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