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Székely Land
Székelys, som lever i Transsylvanien (dagens Rumänien) tillhör "magyariska" (ungerska) folkgruppen, och är Transsylvaniens urbefolkning. Här nedan citerar vi frĺn - Encyclopaedia Britannica - ® 2001 Britannica.com Inc., som med följande ord beskriver székely-ungrare och Székely-landet..
" But there is another ethnic group within the territory of Transylvania proper, about which, very few words are usually spoken; these are the SZÉKELYs. The Székely people live in their very nice Székely-land (Hung. Székelyföld) for more than a thousand years, longer than the Rumanians, Germans, or anybody else in Transylvania.
The origin of the Székely people is an interesting story. Many scholars believe in a two-fold Hungarian migration, one prior to the main Magyar home-coming of the Carpathian Basin in 896 A.D., and one in 400.A.D. According to this theory, the Székelys or Szeklers are a Hungarian group that settled in Transylvania during this first migration around 400., A.D.

There is also evidence that the Székelys are related to the Scythians or Sumerians who may have joined the Magyars on their trek westward. Sculptures have been found depicting Scythian scenes in Transylvania. In addition, Székelys still use a form of Scythian writing known as cunei. Whatever the theory, it is undisputed that the Székelys have inhabited Transylvania for over a thousand years.
Unfortunately the aftermath of WWI saw hundreds of thousands of Hungarians - many Székely - has been forced out of Transylvania by the Romanian authorities. This exodus still continues as harsh conditions and oppression has only worsened under a new "free" Romania where Hungarian language schools and centuries old universities are closing, churches were burned, their property confiscated, and Hungarians are beaten for demonstrating for democracy and basic human rights "(See Helsinki Watch Report "Destroying Ethnic Identity, the Hungarians of Romania," for more information.)
Encyclopaedia Britannica
(By Bryan Dawson), http://www.britannica.com/
Nĺgra bilder av och om Székely-landet och székely-ungrare

SZÉKELY-LAND (Hung. SZÉKELYFÖLD) i den Ungerska Riket . En del av Ungern ändĺ till 1920.

Traditionela "Székely-kapu" (Székely-dörren i ett staket )

Székely kvinnor klädda i traditionela székely-dräkter

Grup av människor stĺende framaför "Székely-kapu"

Vintern i Hargita länet (ligger i Székely-landet)
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